Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Dear Sisters,

For the past couple of weeks I've been emailing back and forth w/ Kirsten, the marine biologist who specializes in sea turtles.  I asked her if the kids and I may accompany her to her next sea turtle release and she replied back saying it was hard to predict when but would let me know. Low and behold I got that magical email last night and I was like, "Fudge!!! The kids have school tomorrow and she's releasing the babies tomorrow morning @ 9:30." As you guessed, I let the children miss there 2nd day of school to witness this awesome event and this is how we spent our morning......

Here are the lucky babies that were cared for by Ms. Kirsten

There's Francisca shaking the babies fin before he heads off into the deep blue sea

Hello handsome!!!

There's Kirsten releasing 4 to 5 babies @ a time

Good luck lil ones!!!

Off he goes into the Gulf of Mexico

These type of sea turtles are called Kemp's Ridley Turtles.  They are the smallest in the sea turtle fam and are on the endangered species list.  The sad reality for these turtles is that it is estimated that only 1 out of 10,000 reach adulthood :0(  I am so glad that me and kids were able to witness such a wonderful event!  Please check out Kirsten "The Traveling Turtle Girl" on my blog list!  Well, I hope you guys enjoyed the pics! Hug and kiss the kids for me!

Love Always,

Joy :0)

P.S- The local news was there during the release and interviewed me and Mar..... I'm hoping they show Mar on the news tonight and NOT me!


justbecause said...

THAT'S AWESOME! reminds meof finding nemo and the sea turtles. I wish I could have been there with you guys. That looked like a lot of fun...


I thought you were looking forward to having them out of the house when school started!

MISS YOU!!!!!!

Tia said...

That looks like so much fun!!! The turtles are so cute! I guess you're trading real Chinese food for the beach and sea life fun. ;)

Arlene Amo Hopps said...

I love the pictures. You should scrapbook them! I was showing Alyssa the pics and she was saying Hi to everyone and waving. Miss you!